The Lemonade Gang began approximately seven years ago. The, then, very young children wanted to do something to help their
dear friend, Brian Kelley, in his heroic fight against adrenoleukodystrophy. While the kids often felt helpless, one manner
in which they discovered they could help Brian was to raise funds for the Myelin Project.
Initially, the group raised money by selling lemonade. Within a short time, they learned that they could tap into their
common passion for musical theater and perform shows as a means of fundraising. While precious and memorable, their early
performances were suitable for family members only and held in the homes and yards of various members. Last year was the first
time that the group opened ticket sales to the public with its production of Grease here at the Owenego.
While Grease was a resounding success, still the gang wanted to do more. By this time, a new friend had entered their lives,
Hanna Bloomquist. In addition to continuing their commitment to the Myelin Project, the gang now wanted to do something to
help children, like Hanna, fighting childhood cancer. They decided that they did not want to split funds between the two causes,
but to instead double their efforts. As such, they created a holiday concert which was held at the Blackstone Memorial Library.
With funds raised, they were able to provide Christmas for families of Hanna’s pediatric oncologist - families that
would otherwise not have been able to afford such cheer in the face of insurmountable medical bills.
The gang has evolved then. Some members are here for a show or two, but the core group has stayed in tact. While their
passion has grown, so too has their commitment to the Myelin Project and organizations dealing with childhood cancer. They
plan on continuing the tradition of a summer show to benefit the Myelin Project and a holiday concert to benefit an organization
such as the American Cancer Society’s Camp Rising Sun. In between performances, don’t be surprised to find them
selling lemonade.
The founders of the Lemonade Gang are grateful to their friends and fellow performers for joining them in their efforts.
Likewise, they are extremely thankful to all of you for attending their shows and helping them in their mission to help their